
3-4-20 Beholding His Glory

2-26-20 Wrath of God

2-19-20 Separated Unto the Gospel

2-5-20 Separated Unto the Gospel

1-29-20 Thank You for Your Service

1-8-20 Do the Math

12-31-19 One Extra Day

12-18-19 Destroy the Works of the Devil

12-11-19 The Reason He Came

12-4-19 The Family of God

11-20-19 Abounding Love 2

11-13-19 Abounding Love

11-6-19 The Power that Worketh in Us

10-30-19 The Fullness of God

10-16-19 Faith is the Victory

10-9-19 Inner Man

10-2-19 Bow the Knee

9-18-19 Sorrow to Repentance

9-11-19 Surviving the Wilderness

8-28-19 1000 Years of Peace

8-21-19 At The Name of Jesus

8-14-19 Honor in Heaven

8-7-19 The People Rule 2

7-31-19 The People Rule

7-24-19 The Path of Life

7-10-19 World War 3 – Armageddon

7-3-19 Invading Israel

6-26-19 The Anti-Christ

6-19-19 Where is America in Prophecy?!

6-5-19 Times of the Gentiles

5-29-19 Israel

5-22-19 Eternal Security

5-15-19 Don’t Fall Away

5-8-19 You’ve Got Duty

5-1-19 Walking with God

4-24-19 Doctrines of Devils

4-17-19 Unholy Hush

4-10-19 Hall of Shame

3-27-19 Contending for the Faith

3-13-19 A Holy Kiss

3-6-19 Brethren Pray for Us

2-27-2019 Making of a Mighty Church

02-20-2019 Set Apart

2-13-19 Sanctified

2-6-19 Resisting, Resenting, Refusing

1-30-19 Refusing to Render Evil

1-16-19 Wear A Helmet

1-9-19 Living in Epoch Times

12-26-18 After the Angels have Gone

12-5-18 Choose Purity

11-28-18 Abounding

11-20-18 Thankful for Jesus

11-14-18 Making a Mighty Church

11-07-18 Not in Vain

10-31-18 Avoiding the Wasted Life

10-24-18 You Are Elected

10-17-18 You All

10-3-18 Two Feet on the Ground

9-26-18 A Roaring Lion

9-19-18 Casting Our Cares

9-5-18 Pastored

8-29-18 Committed

8-15-18 The End is Near

8-1-18 Essential Parts – Submission and Suffering

7-25-18 Reading the Fine Print

6-27-18 Pictures of the Christian Life

5-30-18 A Very Solid Rock

5-16-18 Lively Stones

5-2-18 People are Problems

4-25-18 Hope to the End

4-18-18 A Lively Hope

3-28-18 A Lively Hope

3-21-18 A Lively Hope

3-7-18 A Lively Hope

2-7-18 The Comforter12-26-18 After the Angels have Gone

12-26-18 After the Angels have Gone

Updated: March 4, 2020 — 8:26 pm