The Scriptures…We believe in the verbal, plenary inspiration and the infallible, unlimited inerrancy, and immutability of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments. We believe the Bible to be the true center of Christian union and the supreme standard by which all human conduct, creeds, and opinions shall be tried. We believe that God has preserved His Word perfectly through the ages, and that the Bible for English-speaking people is the King James Version. Within the Bible itself, God has made it evident that He has given to us everything that we need to lead a Spirit-filled life (2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:19-21).
The True God…We believe there is one, and only one, living and true God, and infinite Spirit. He is the Maker and Supreme Ruler of heaven and earth and inexpressibly glorious in holiness who is worthy of all possible honor, confidence and love. We believe that in the unity of the Godhead there are three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit who are equal in every divine perfection, and executing distinct, but harmonious offices in the great work of redemption (Gen 1:1; Exodus 20:2-3; Matthew 3:16-17; John 10:30; Acts 5:3-4; I Corinthians 8:6, I John 5:7; Revelation 4:11)
The Holy Spirit…We believe that the Holy Spirit is a divine person equal with God the Father and God the Son and of the same nature; that He was active in creation; that in His relation to the unbelieving world He restrains the evil one until God’s purpose is fulfilled, that He convicts of sin, righteousness and judgment; that he bears witness to the truth of the Gospel in preaching and testimony; that He is the Agent in the new birth; that He seals, endues, guides, teaches, sanctifies and helps the believer (Genesis 1:1-3; Matthew 28:19; Mark 1:8; Luke 1:35; Luke 24-49; John 1:33; John 3:5-6; John 14:16-17; John 16:8-11; John 17:15; Acts 11:16; Acts 5:30-32; Romans 8:14, 16, 26-27; Ephesians 1:13-14; Hebrews 9:14)
The Devil (Satan)…We believe that Satan is the unholy one of this age. He is literal and personal and the author of all the powers of darkness and is destined to eternal judgment in the lake of fire (Gen 2:13-14; Matthew 4:1-3; II Corinthians 4:4; Ephesians 2:1-4; Revelation 20:2)
Creation…We accept the Genesis account of creation and believe that man and the universe came by direct creation of God (Genesis 1 and 2; Colossians 1:16-17; John 1:3)
The Fall of Man…We believe that man was created in innocence under the law of his Maker, but by voluntary transgression, fell from his sinless and happy state in consequence of which all mankind are sinners, not only by nature, but by choice and, therefore, are under just condemnation without defense or excuse (Genesis 3:1-6; Romans 1:18, 32; Romans 3:10-19)
The Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ…We believe that Jesus was begotten of the Holy Spirit in a miraculous manner, born of a virgin named Mary, and that He is both the Son of God and God the Son. Jesus Christ is the founder and chief cornerstone of this church. He is presently seated at the right hand of the Father, and He is our High Priest and only Mediator between God the Father and Man; no man or priest has the ability to usurp Christ’s position (Genesis 3:15; Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:18-35; Luke 1:35; John 1:1, 14; Col 2:9; Gal 4:4-5; I Tim 3:16).
The Atonement of Sin…We believe that the salvation of sinners is wholly by grace through the mediatorial offices of the Son of God who, by the appointment of the Father, freely took upon Himself the form of man, yet without sin, He honored the divine law by His personal obedience: and by His personal obedience and by His death made a full and vicarious atonement for our sins; that His atonement consisted not in setting us an example by His death as a martyr, but as a voluntary substitution of Himself in the sinner’s place, the Just dying for the unjust; that Christ, the Lord, bore our sins in His own body upon the tree; that having risen from the dead, He is now enthroned in heaven, and uniting in His wonderful person the tenderest sympathies with divine perfection. He is the only suitable, compassionate, and all-sufficient Savior (Isaiah 53:4-7; Matthew 18:11; John 3:16; Acts 15:11; Romans 3:24-25; I Corinthians 15:1-4; II Corinthians 5:21; Ephesians 2:8; Hebrews 2:14; Philippians 2:7; I John 4:10).
Grace in the New Creation…We believe that in order to be saved, sinners must be born again; that the new birth is a new creation in Christ Jesus; that it is instantaneous and not a process; that in the new birth the one dead in trespasses and sins is made a partaker of the divine nature and receives eternal life, the free gift of God and are kept saved for all eternity by the saving power of Jesus Christ. We also believe that the new creation is brought about in a manner beyond our comprehension, solely by the power of the Holy Spirit in connection with divine truth, so as to secure repentance, faith and newness of life (Colossians 2:13; John 3:3, 6, 8; Acts 16:30-33; Romans 6:23; II Corinthians 5:17, 19; Ephesians 2:1; II Peter 1:4; I John 5:1)
Justification…We believe that the great gospel blessing which Christ offers to those who believe in Him is justification. Justification is the imputation of the righteousness of Jesus Christ at salvation and provides the believer with the proper standing before God. It is bestowed not in consideration of any works of righteousness, which we have done, but solely through faith in the Redeemer’s blood (Isaiah 53:11; Zechariah 13:1; Romans 5:1, 9; Romans 8:1)
Faith and Salvation…We believe that salvation is God’s gift of grace available to everyone solely through personal faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ (Acts 8:36-37; 16:30-31; Romans 10:9-13; Hebrews 11:6)
The Local Church…We believe that a local church is a congregation of baptized believers, associated by the covenant of faith and fellowship of the Gospel; that it observes the ordinances of Christ and is governed by His laws; that it exercises the gifts, rights and privileges invested in it by His Word; that its officers are pastors and deacons whose qualifications, claims, and duties are clearly defined in the Scriptures. We believe the true mission of the church is the faithful witnessing of Christ to all men as we have opportunity. We hold that the local church has the absolute right of self-government free from the interference of any hierarchy of individuals or organizations, and the one and only Superintendent is Christ through the Holy Spirit; that the will of the local church is final as the sole discipline, and benevolence (Colossians 1:18; Acts 2:41-42; Acts 15:13-18; Acts 20:17-28; Ephesians 1:22-23; Ephesians 4:11; Ephesians 5:23-24; I Corinthians 11:2, I Timothy 3:1-7).
Baptism and the Lord’s Supper…We believe that Christian baptism is a picture of the death, burial and resurrection of our Savior and is done in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit by the immersion of a believer in water. Baptism identifies us with the local church and is a prerequisite to the privileges of church membership. We believe that the Lord’s Supper is the commemoration of His death until He comes and should be preceded always by solemn self-examination and ought only be partaken by those Christians in good standing with Jesus Christ (Matthew 3:16; John 3:23; Acts 8:26-39; Romans 6:3-5; I Corinthians 11:23-28; Colossians 2:12).
The Security of the Saints…We believe that all who are truly born again are kept eternally by God the Father for Jesus Christ (John 10:28-29; Romans 8:35-39; Philippians 1:6; Jude 1)
Civil Government…We believe that civil government is of divine appointment in the order of human society; that magistrates are to be prayed for, conscientiously honored and obeyed except in things opposed to the Will of our Lord Jesus Christ made known to us in the Holy Bible (Exodus 18:21; II Samuel 23:3; Daniel 3:17-18; Matthew 22:21; Acts 5:29; Acts 23:5; Romans 13:1-7)
The Resurrection; Personal, Visible, Pre-Tribulation return of Christ and Related Events…We believe in the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, His ascension into heaven and His present High Priestly ministry. We believe in His coming in glory at the end of the Tribulation Period. We also believe in the Pre-tribulational return of Christ and in the resurrection of the dead, the glorification of the Saints and the establishing of the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:6-7; John 20:27; I Corinthians 15:4; Acts 9:1-1; Hebrews 8:6; I Timothy 2:5; Daniel 12:2; I Thessalonians 4:13-18; Revelation 2:30-31; Revelation 20:6, 14)
Ecclesiastical Separation…We believe that the church will not knowingly support or cooperate with any individual or organization that is a member of or in support of, the World Council of Churches, the National Council of Churches, the modern Charismatic Movement, those of hyper-Calvinist persuasion or other practices in conflict with the doctrinal and ecclesiastical stand of this church (Amos 3:3; I Corinthians 6:14-15; Jude 3)
Regeneration (New Birth) by Repentance and Faith…We believe that in order for sinners to be saved, that they must be regenerated or born again. This is effected by the power of the Holy Spirit, and that proper evidence of the new birth appears in the Holy fruits of repentance, faith, and newness of life. Repentance and faith are sacred duties wrought in our souls by the regenerating Spirit of God, whereby being deeply convinced of our guilt, danger and helplessness and of the way of salvation by Christ, we turn to God with unfeigned contrition, confession and supplication of mercy: and at the same time we heartily receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Prophet, Priest and King, and rely on Him alone as the only and all sufficient Savior (John 3:3; Ephesians 5:9; II Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 3:22-23; Acts 2:38; Romans 10:9).
The Harmony of the Law and the Gospel…We believe that the law of God is the eternal and unchangeable rule of His moral government; that it is holy, just, and good; that the inability which the scriptures ascribe to fallen men to fulfill it’s precepts arises entirely from their love of sin; and the one great end of the gospel is to deliver them from this inability and to restore them, through a mediator, to unfeigned obedience to the Holy Law and of the means of grace connected with the establishment of the visible church (Romans 3:31; Romans 7:12; Romans 8:2-4; Romans 8:7-8; Romans 3:19; Galatians 4:4-5).
Man…We believe that man was created in the image of God and in innocence. However, by his voluntary transgression of the law of God, man fell into sin and incurred not only physical death, but spiritual death, which is separation from God. All human beings are born with a sinful nature and are therefore under the just condemnation of God (Genesis 1:27; Genesis 3:1-6; Romans 5:12-19; Jeremiah 17:9; Romans 1:18-25; Romans 2:14-16)
The Great Commission…We believe in obedience to Christ’s command to preach the gospel to the whole world. We believe that the great commission includes evangelization, Bible teaching, and the establishment of local churches by 1) Proclamation; 2) Edification; 3) Duplication (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 20:17-27; Romans 1:14)
Soul Liberty and The Priesthood of Believers…We believe that every believer has the right, privilege and obligation to come into God’s throne room bearing praise, thanksgiving, and petitions before God (Hebrews 4:16; I Thessalonians 5:17; Philippians 4:6)
Offices of the Church…We believe the Bible teaches that men only should hold the following offices of the church:
A. Pastor
B. Deacon (Phil 1:1; I Tim 3).
God’s method of financing…We believe that God’s method of financing His earthly work of spreading the Gospel to all nations, the care of the churches and the support of the ministry is by the tithes and faith promise offerings of His people. That is to be given to the Lord through His local church as the storehouse, to be distributed as directly by the leadership of the Spirit as the need arises. The time to tithe is “as the Lord has prospered”; that His Word teaches that the tithe rightly belongs to the Lord; and that an obedient Christian does not have an option not to tithe; that tithing was instituted long before the Law was given and was practiced by the early church; that Christians are accountable to God not only for the tithe, but also for how the remaining nine-tenths is used. (II Cor 8:7; I Cor 16:2; Lev 27:30; Malachi 3:10; Acts 4:34-37; Luke 18:10-12)
The Ecumenical Movement…We believe that this movement has as its goal to bring the different religions of the world together. The goals of the movement are social reform based on humanism. The movement causes extreme compromise on the part of all concerned. We do not believe that a born again individual has any business in the movement, and that it is the beginnings of the ecclesiastical world power that is destroyed in Revelation Chapter Seventeen.